Arsenal Firearms

Coming from different yet extremely unique experiences, the powerful core team of Arsenal Firearms Group holds an unparalleled experience in gun design: thanks to the years spent by some of it’s members in reverse-engineering and miniaturization of practically the complete history of small weapons, the AF Group banks today on the largest number of 3D machine drawings of portable weapons on the planet.
Merging this vast data bank with the experience of some members of the team in firearm R&D, ballistic research and real life operative police and military use of small weapons, has produced a totally unique and fresh approach to designing new products.
Finally, a handful of great men and establishments in the European gun industry who partner with us, operational speed, unconventional tools and a very special team work are also key features of the R&D and creative ability of Arsenal Firearms Group: what the industry standard takes years in bringing to the industrial line, we do in months. And we can prove it.